Our school curriculum combines the Cambridge (CAIE) and National curriculum of England, incorporating the English curriculum in the EYFS. For Primary and lower secondary levels, we follow the Cambridge framework, teaching subjects such as English first language, Science, Mathematics, Computing, and Global perspectives.

In the Humanities, we adapt the National curriculum of England for Primary and lower secondary levels. In the IGCSE program, we offer a range of subjects including Arabic foreign language 0544, English as a second language, 0511 Mathematics 0580, Chemistry 0620, Physics-0625, Biology0610, Environmental Management 0680,, Business studies 0450, Economics 0455 and ICT 0417. Students have the option of selecting 7 to 8 subjects. Upon request, extra tutoring is available at an additional cost.

Furthermore, students requiring intervention will be identified, and parents can request independent intervention for their child at an additional cost.

Early Years (Age 3 – 5)

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is an educational framework in England that provides guidance and sets standards for the development, learning, and care of children from birth to five years old. The EYFS curriculum aims to provide a solid foundation for children's future learning and development. Here's an overview of the EYFS curriculum:

1. Prime Areas of Learning: The EYFS curriculum focuses on three prime areas of learning, which are considered fundamental for children's overall development:

2. Specific Areas of Learning: In addition to the prime areas, the EYFS curriculum includes four specific areas of learning that help to further enhance children's skills and knowledge:

3. Play-Based Learning: The EYFS curriculum emphasizes the importance of play in children's learning and development. Play is viewed as a vehicle for children to explore, experiment, problem-solve, and develop their understanding of the world. Play-based activities are designed to be open-ended, child-led, and provide opportunities for imaginative thinking, social interaction, and sensory exploration.

4. Observational Assessment: The EYFS curriculum utilizes ongoing observation and assessment of children's progress and development. Practitioners observe children's activities and interactions, make notes, and use these observations to inform planning and support individual learning needs. This approach ensures that teaching and learning are tailored to each child's unique abilities and interests

The EYFS curriculum provides a holistic approach to early childhood education, focusing on all aspects of children's development and learning. It recognizes the importance of nurturing social and emotional skills, language and communication abilities, physical development, and foundational academic skills. The curriculum aims to create a supportive and stimulating environment that promotes curiosity, exploration, and a love for learning


We provide the perfect education for your child every day