E-learning, short for electronic learning, refers to the use of digital technology and the internet to facilitate learning and education. It involves the delivery of educational content, resources, and activities through online platforms and tools. We use E-learning in our schools in various ways to support teaching and learning. Here's how we use e-learning in our school:

1. Online Learning: We have our own learning management system (LMS) that serves as a central hub for organizing and delivering educational content. Teachers upload resources, assignments, and assessments, and students can access them at their convenience.

2. Virtual Classrooms: We use video conferencing tools to conduct virtual classes and enable real-time interaction between teachers and students. Virtual classrooms allow for live lectures, discussions, and collaborative activities. Students participate in class from anywhere with an internet connection. We also provide session recordings for students with weak internet.

3. Digital Content: We utilize digital content such as e-books, videos, interactive presentations, and online resources. These materials are shared with students through the learning platform and accessed at any time, allowing for self-paced learning and revision.

4. Online Assessments: We leverage online assessment tools to create and administer quizzes, tests, and assignments. Tools like Kahoot, Quiziz, Mentimeter, Quizlet, Pear Deck, Schoology and Google Meet make the online lessons interactive and engaging. These tools can provide immediate feedback to students and streamline the grading process for teachers.

5. Discussion Forums and Collaboration: We have online discussion forums or chat platforms where students can engage in conversations, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. These platforms encourage active participation and peer-to-peer learning.

6. Flipped Classroom Approach: We use e-learning to implement a flipped classroom model. Students access instructional materials and pre-recorded lectures online before attending class, allowing class time to be utilized for discussions, problem-solving, and hands-on activities.

7. Parent Engagement: We engage parents in the e-learning process by providing them with access to relevant resources, updates, and


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